
blow out of the water



blow out of the water


  • 发脾气
    • ... blow-out of an engine 发动机熄火 Blow out of the water 发脾气 blow-out fracture of orbital wall 眶底闭锁性骨折 ...


  • And while we have been seeing invention after breakthrough over and over in the last couple of decades, this next ten years is going to blow everything else out of the water.


  • Zina: We're going to blow WebTracker out of the water.


  • 3: most experts in newspapers and TV are predicting our party will blow the other side out of the water in most of the country this fall.



  • The NFPA says fire dispatchers should process calls in less than 60 seconds 90% of the time, and "we blow it out of the water, " says Trevor Richmond, commander of the LAFD's planning division.

    WSJ: All Heat, No Light, in Fire Data

  • Apart from the enormous cost he said there were major environmental issue to consider as well as the positioning of the SS Montgomery which would blow any airport out of the water.

    BBC: England

  • Labour member David Drew is concerned that policing events such as flooding could "blow it out of the water".

    BBC: Gloucestershire PCC plans for 'less crime, more peace'