
vote counter



  • It's quite a good counter example to that if you got a situation where the voters really did want to vote for whoever it was but he wasn't going to stand.


  • That is the cry I hear again and again from people who feel assailed by claim and counter-claim about what it will mean if we vote to leave or remain in the EU.



  • 's top vote counter but also the only sitting leader to emerge untouched by the election debacle and the Gingrich resignation it produced.

    CNN: The big push to impeach

  • The U.S. Supreme Court's stay Saturday of a Florida Supreme Court order to begin the hand count of disputed ballots could push a few electors to vote counter to their states' popular votes, he said.

    CNN: Possibility of Electoral College defections raised

  • The prospect of judges deciding whether prisoners lose the right to vote when they impose sentence should be examined to counter a controversial human rights ruling, Tory leader Annabel Goldie said today.

    BBC: First minister's questions