基于遥感的泾河流域植被覆盖格局分析 - 机械,电子文档资料 关键词:泾河流域;植被覆盖;景观;格局 [gap=1674]Key words :Jinghe Basin ; vegetation cover ; landscape ; pattern
...,饱和导水率,植被盖度,Abstract [gap=770]Keywords:Infiltration; saturation conductivity coefficient; vegetation cover; the source region of Yangtze River长江源区土壤入渗是指降雨落到地面上的雨水从土壤表面渗入土壤形成土壤水的过程,它是水在土...
The climatic changes in southwestern Asia were more subtle, in that they involved shifts in mountain snow lines, rainfall patterns, and vegetation cover.
The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are the reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil.
Soil erosion in the loess area relates to low vegetation cover rate in this region.
What my colleagues and I are discovering from our own work in Alaskan tundra is that this shift in vegetation cover has implications -- some good, some bad -- for the animals that depend on it for food and shelter.
It needs dense vegetation, cover for nesting and protection from predators and mature woodland for winter food.
This second mission is supposed to loft the Proba-V satellite to collect data on land cover and vegetation changes over the entire globe every couple of days.