
to get a burn



  • 烫伤
    • ... to fuss about 大惊小怪 to get a burn 烫伤 to get on one's nerves 使人烦 ...



  • You have imperfect knowledge. A lot of people believe that the only way for a country to get rich, stay rich, and get richer is to burn more carbon fuel.


  • On a fast machine with lots of memory, you can get away with doing low-CPU-intensive tasks during recording, but it is better to do nothing else during a burn.


  • "They will burn out, they will get sick, and there will be no other option but to place someone in a nursing home, which is what nobody wants," Feinberg says.



  • Within moments she said she decided to burn his body and ran downstairs to get a lighter and a bottle of barbecue gel.

    BBC: Yaseen Ali Ege

  • The fallacious thinking which underpins some of the slash-and-burn management tactics that tend to get traction during economic downturns can ultimately devastate a business that adopts a bunker mentality.

    FORBES: The Economy - An Excuse of Convenience

  • Plug in a particular activity (running, skating, gardening, etc.), your weight and the amount of time you plan to do the exercise, and voila: you get a count of the calories you'll burn.

    CNN: Site Seer: Get fit on the Net