
take the field

美 [teɪk ðə fiːld]



take the field

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  • 交通运输工程


  • 开始比赛
    • ... lose the field 战败 open field 无限多的机会 take the field 上阵,开始作战;开始比赛 ...

  • 开始作战
    • ... take the egg胜,赢 take the field开始作战 take the first opportunity一有机会就 ...

  • 开战
    • ... stricken field 激战; 战场 take the field 出阵, 开战; 开始比赛 take to the field 接防 ...

  • take the field now
    现在就上场吧 | 走向赛场
  • to take the field
    上场 | 出马
  • take to the field


  • Sometimes she didn't even take the field, but she was always there, rooting loudly for the winning team.


  • "When two teams take the field, it's 11 versus 11 and you would expect all 22 players to have been paid, " Cusack said.


  • I'll take the field, but I think if everyone on every team is healthy all season, the Heat are primed for a monster season.



  • The U.S.national soccer team will take the field at this month's World Cup with a talented group of 23 players and high expectations.

    VOA : standard.2010.06.09

  • When they take the field against Brazil Friday at Cairo's International Stadium, the Black Satellites, as Ghana's Under-20 team is known back home, will be aiming for their first championship after two previous unsuccessful final appearances.

    VOA : standard.2009.10.15

  • Another tangible way of understanding who won the battle and who didn't, is we winners, because we own the field, we can pick up the casualties, take care of those who can be saved, bury the ones who have been killed; we don't have to ask anybody's permission.


    古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

  • For example, the gunfight did not really take place in the OK Corral, but near it in a field just off a main street in town.

    VOA : special.2010.02.15
