
sexual partner



Sexual partner

  • abstract:
    • 1


  • sexual partner preference
  • Types of sexual partner



  • This study shows that not only is it better for the person who is infected, but it helps that person from transmitting to the person that's their sexual partner, heterosexual partner."

    VOA : special.2011.05.18

  • Speaking in London she told VOA that women around the world need to know that everyone is at risk of contracting HIV, even women with only one sexual partner.

    VOA : standard.2010.03.02

  • And there are different studies, some of them asking, "Who do you want to marry?" Other studies, ?" "Who do you want as a mate? Who do you want as a sexual partner?"


    心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课


  • Dr. THOMAS: In fact, you see the insect arriving from the forest and now jumping into the water, and then a huge worm emerging, and then the worm swim, searching for a sexual partner.

    NPR: Mole-Rats, Ants Making Science Headlines

  • The study of 11, 161 people between the ages of 16 and 44 from across the UK found that a minority - one in five men and one in four women - have had one sexual partner over the course of their lives.

    BBC: 'Promiscuous' Britain uncovered

  • "Most authorities would still recommend use of other preventive methods such as condoms, " even if the HIV-positive sexual partner is on antiretroviral treatment, Kevin De Cock, director of the Center for Global Health at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wrote in an email.

    WSJ: AIDS Study Marks Prevention Breakthrough With Antiretroviral Drugs