

n. 二线队员:在体育比赛中,通常不是首发阵容的替补队员。


  • On the way to the cleaning shed, he ran into a second fisherman who had a stringer with a dozen baby minnows.



  • The Jets have protected their plans for Tebow like a running back would a pigskin, saying only that the second-stringer would play anywhere between one and 20 snaps per game.

    WSJ: Tim Tebow? Mark Sanchez? How About Both?

  • And if Sanchez has a lock on the job no matter what, it limits whatever incentive a potential second-stringer who would want a fair chance to compete for the job might have to join the Jets.

    WSJ: New York Jets Extend Mark Sanchez's Contract

  • "I am laying on my back, clutching the ball, looking up at a bunch of red helmets peering down at me and hearing a bunch of cuss words over the roar of the 80, 000 people in the stadium, " said Robin Weber, the second-stringer who made the catch that lives on in Notre Dame lore.

    NPR: 40 Years Ago, Irish-Tide Played Game For The Ages