
run into the ground

美 [rʌn ˈɪntə ðə ɡraʊnd]




  • 弄糟
    • ... run into debt负债 run into the ground弄糟 considerable-----adj.值得考虑的, 相当(大, 多)的, 可观的 ...

  • 使精疲力尽
    • ... Right into the ground 那块空地 run into the ground 弄糟 ; 使精疲力尽 ran into the ground 做得过分 ...

    • ... from the ground up 从头开始 run into the ground ...做过头 on delicate ground 处境微妙 ...

  • 把…搞得筋疲力尽
    • ... run into快速进入…;(使)碰... run into the ground把…搞得筋疲力尽... run off(使)流掉;减轻体重...

  • run something into the ground
  • run oneself into the ground
  • Run Sb Into The Ground



  • Israeli officials say they still suspect the Palestinians intend to let the proximity talks run into the ground and then demand that the Americans "impose" a settlement.


  • It is first ground into mince and then steamed and rotated in an oven angled like a cement mixer so that the juices run off.


  • Fans feared that the American owners would run the club into the ground, and fretted about the tens of millions of dollars in debt they added to its balance sheet.



  • On the other hand, Kenya's government is in the grip of a corrupt elite that seems content to allow the economy to run into the ground so long as it can grab a share.

    ECONOMIST: Britain and East Africa

  • During the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the previous, Uruguay round of trade talks had almost run into the ground, G7 meetings regularly reiterated the rich countries' commitment to free trade but rarely offered concrete evidence of it.

    ECONOMIST: A glimpse of light? | The

  • Japan's ethnic Koreans, who have been investing in the North for years, tell horror stories about pouring money into businesses, only to have the North Korean government run them into the ground by making unreasonable demands for a piece of the pie.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Korea: Korea's Big Show