pl. 古罗马铭文中使用的一种字体
罗马字(Roman letters)首先由葡萄牙日语翻译器的传教士带进日本。明治维新之后,随 .
... Roman law 罗马法; 罗马法 Roman letters 罗马字母; 罗马字母 Roman numerals 罗马数字; 罗马数字 ...
Popular expressions and characters with Roman letters reflect the changes of society and the time.
Now in fact W was not part of the Roman alphabet. We English invented W after adopting the 23 letters that came as a standard set from the Romans.
The letters IHS on the sun-shaped wafers stood for Isis, Horus, and Seb (later, Roman Catholics claimed they were the first three letters of Jesus' name in Greek).
Poland, led by Jakub Blaszczykowski (14 letters), finished second at 8.43 letters per player, followed by Roman Pavlyuchenko and Russia at 8.13 letters per player.
WSJ: Euro 2012: Greece Is Undisputed Champion of Long Last Names
Her friends, neighbors and relatives kept the fame of her sanctity alive by publishing her letters, reporting her holiness widely and praying to the little Roman girl.
The previous arms, featuring a Roman Centurion and a Royal Marine, were assigned to the Borough of Deal in 1968 by Letters Patent.