
plot of ground


  • 剧情地面
    • 剧情地面, Plot of ground 剧情地面, Plot Of Ground 美丽的别墅, Beautiful villa 美丽的别墅, Beautiful Villa A 20 min de Geneve - Vue panoramique ...

  • a plot of ground
  • lot a plot of ground


  • 5So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph.


  • Of course, a high interest rate was charged, the tenant could not repay his debt, and lost his own small plot of ground.


  • For a hundred pieces of silver, he bought from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, the plot of ground where he pitched his tent.



  • So when I heard about a company that is using artificial intelligence, data scraping, and database calculations as a means to predict what seed varieties a farmer should plant to get the maximum yield from their exact plot of ground, my mind immediately started to ponder how this could be applied to marketers.

    FORBES: Planting The Right Seed: What A Farmer Can Teach A Marketer

  • He added that there were "significant challenges" because of the waterlogged ground, and that any remains found within the burial plot would be examined.

    BBC: Glasgow & West Scotland

  • The aptly named Mr. Jungles working with a boxy 5, 000-square-foot house situated on a nondescript 14, 240-square-foot corner plot began with the idea of an adult-size aerie that was tethered to the ground.

    WSJ: Welcome to the Jungle House