
party favour


  • Governments and party leaders can only hope to remain in favour with the public for so long.


  • The vote for the suspension of the party was 283 in favour with 29 against.


  • The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.



  • Even voters in North-Rhine Westphalia, the most heavily-populated German state, rejected her party in favour of the Social Democrats (SPD), who promised to go easy on cutting debt.

    BBC: Euro crisis: The European maze

  • Were the party in favour, it could share in the credit for academies and focus its ire on other aspects of his work such as his proposed overhaul of the school curriculum, which some find too prescriptive, or his criticism of examination standards.

    ECONOMIST: Labour��s education divide

  • Yet as kingmaker Mr Dacic dropped his alliance with the Democratic Party of Boris Tadic in favour of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) led by Tomislav Nikolic, who defeated Mr Tadic in the presidential election.

    ECONOMIST: Serbia��s government