
man of the world



man of the world


  • 阅历丰富的人
    • ... man of business/moods/ideas 实业家/喜怒无常的人/足智多谋的人 man of the world 阅历丰富的人 man of taste/mark 有审美意识的人/知名人士 ...

  • 饱经世故者
    • ... man of letters 学者,作家 man of the world 饱经世故者,阅历丰富者 be one's own man 独立自主,不受他人支配;精神正常 ...

  • 世界人
    • 他也确实变成了一位“世界人”(man of the world):当他身在欧洲的时候,他会在巴黎与他最好的朋友、记者Jabby Crombac共同分享一套公寓。

  • 阅历丰富者
    • ... man of letters 学者,作家 man of the world 饱经世故者,阅历丰富者 be one's own man 独立自主,不受他人支配;精神正常 ...

  • a man of the world
    通世故的人 | 一条好汉 | 精通世故的人 | 世界人
  • The Man of the World
  • man n of the world


  • You're beautiful, brilliant, a famous man of the world and I'm... not a movie star type.


  • An enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world.


  • The band leader, obviously not a man of the world outside his beloved show business, completely missed the significance of this lower offer.



  • "What Darwin Saw" tells of the adventures of a young man who travels around the world as a ship's scientist.

    VOA : special.2009.02.27

  • God is the Dieu cache: God is the hidden God who is absent from the world and is, in effect, also the structure of the world. The same thing can be said of man.


    文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

  • I'm a semi-bluesman in the life of mind of jazz man, and a world of ideas, that puts stresses on the spirit.


    人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

  • And.He created the kind of world he would have wanted to live in if he had been a man."

    VOA : special.2010.01.10

  • A person in one of Faulkner's stories says, "God created man, and he created the world for him to live in.

    VOA : special.2010.01.10


  • What simplicity, what taste, what a man of the world!

    NEWYORKER: Hand on the Shoulder

  • Despite all of de la Renta's gentlemanly, old-world fabulousness, he's also very much a modern man of the world, who would just as soon take a title from a tattoo as an engraved bracelet which is where Ilardo first saw the line.

    WSJ: Oscar de la Renta's Next Big Act

  • Knowing the people who are in charge, starting with Field Marshal Tantawi who's a man of the world with a world view, very keen knowledge and practical experience in domestic affairs, a man you know, of integrity, I think this will happen.

    BBC: Transcript of Hatem Seif el Nasr interview