
luck up

英 [lʌk ʌp] 美 [lʌk ʌp]



  • 走运
    • ... lucite 人工树脂 luck up 走运 luck 普通日常用词,指好的或坏的运气,尤多指好运气,有时也指成功或愉快的结局。 ...

  • 交好运
    • ... luck in a bag [废]罕有的好运, 意外的好运 luck out 运气特好; 侥幸成功; 逢凶化吉 倒透了霉, 遭到不幸 luck up 交好运; 获得成功 ...

  • 运气提升
    • 运气提升(Luck Up)2运之书(Luck-J Scroll)1 黑暗物质(Dark Matter)1运之书(Luck-J Scroll)1

  • 获得成功
    • ... luck in a bag [废]罕有的好运, 意外的好运 luck out 运气特好; 侥幸成功; 逢凶化吉 倒透了霉, 遭到不幸 luck up 交好运; 获得成功 ...

  • up luck
  • Growing up is pure luck
    成长是纯粹的运气 | 长大 | 长大是纯净的运气
  • Wake Up Our Luck



  • We can chalk that win up to a lot of luck.


  • Some teenagers never take entrance exams seriously; they simply leave what, to a large extent, could be the most important event in their life almost entirely up to luck.


  • I'd like to wind up our interview by wishing you good luck.



  • "Wake up old man. I have heard that the moon shower brings good luck to everyone it touches."

    VOA : special.2009.02.28

  • During those long summer days, The Luck was carried up the mountain to the place where the men were digging for gold.

    VOA : special.2009.06.06

  • If we're not having too much luck with our slides this morning, I went ahead and put this one up on the board here.


    聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

  • He did not have much luck,though, the first time he went up to dunk the ball.

    VOA : special.2010.07.05


  • And finally, "even the cost of good luck is going up", laments the Daily Express, responding to news that lottery tickets are to double in price later this year.

    BBC: Papers

  • West Ham's luck was then summed up a minute later at the other end.

    BBC: Sinclair gives Hammers hope

  • You might have better luck if you walk up and try talking to (rather than at) the girls working at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit this week.

    FORBES: The Secret Life Of A Car Show Model