


  • 孤独的
  • 荒凉的
  • 寂寞的
  • 万毅
  • A Lonely Man
    活该 | 一个寂寞的人 | 一位孤独的人 | 一个孤单的人
  • A Lonely Island
  • A long lonely time
    一段长期孤独的时光 | 在漫长
  • A Lonely Place to Die
    孤独的死亡之所 | 孤独的殒命之所 | 片
  • You walk a lonely road
    寂寞路上一人独行 | 踏上孤独的道路 | 你孤身一人在路上 | 你跋涉在寂寞路上
  • Man Is a Lonely Island
    人是孤独的小岛 | 人是一座孤独的小岛
  • A cold lonely summer
    寒冷又孤独 | 冷酷又孤独 | 既冷又孤寂 | 阿冷寂寞夏天
  • A Lonely Breeze
    微风孤独 | 铃声
  • A Lonely Dancer


  • He speaks deprecatingly of his father as a lonely man.


  • Although the journey was a long and lonely one, Tumalo pushed on.


  • Machen was a lonely, introverted child.



  • "Being a dad is often very lonely." (OMITTED) "And one of the things I feel is I am no longer alone, that the Council of Dads is in every room with me and making every decision with me."

    VOA : standard.2010.06.19


  • The story is straightforward enough: Benjamin (Michael Angarano), a lonely teen-ager being home-schooled by his poor single mother (Jennifer Coolidge) in a dome-shaped house somewhere west of the Rockies, salves his soul by writing and illustrating whacked-out science-fiction fantasies.

    NEWYORKER: Gentlemen Broncos

  • They go to a lonely country house, inhabited by a pair of wealthy oddballs called Flower (Charles Durning) and Stone (Joel Grey), who trounce Pozzi at poker and then demand an unusual repayment: he and Nashe must build a stone wall in the grounds.

    NEWYORKER: The Music of Chance

  • Over time, though, he warms to the invaders: Joe (Bobby Cannavale), loud and lonely, who sells coffee and hot dogs from a neighboring van, and Olivia (Patricia Clarkson), a painter, still mourning the loss of a young son.

    NEWYORKER: The Station Agent