
in all probability



in all probability


  • 很可能
    • 很可能in all probability 姑娘们很愉快,因为房子很是华丽的,而且接待是相当热情。The girls were nothing loth, for the house was splendid, and the w...

  • 在一切概率中
    • I'm trying to handle all these 我试图摆脱这全部unpredictability 不可预测地 In all probability 在一切概率中 It's a long shot so I say why not 这是一个如此长的镜头,故我说,为何不呢? .

  • 十之八九
    • ... in all respects 在各个方面 in all probability 十之八九 in all seriousness 庄重地(非常严肃地)...

  • 十有八九
    • ... probability 可能性,可能发生的事2 概率 in all probability 十有八九,很可能 probation 缓刑(期),(以观后效的)察看; 试用(期),试读(期) ...


  • In all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.


  • The Republicans had better get used to the fact that in all probability, they are going to lose.


  • If you really needed to take out a lot of tissue, the cancer had, in all probability, already spread through the system.



  • So in all probability, anyone who was associated with the hated occupying regime would be treated poorly It all seems to fit.


    旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

  • And the reason that they're the least sheilded is because they can get closest to the nucleus, so we can think of them as not getting blocked by a bunch of other electron, because there's some probability that they can actually work their way all the way in to the nucleus.


    化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课


  • The 11 dead tigers were iced, in all probability, to preserve the parts for sale.

    FORBES: Tigercide

  • There would, in all probability, have been an essay on Blogging and the English Language.

    BBC: Today

  • In all probability, the numbers released by NBS downplay the full extent of inflation.

    FORBES: China's Galloping Inflation