
hand-to-hand struggle


  • Vast mounds of rubbish fester on the city's streets where the truly destitute sift for scraps of aluminium or plastic to sell in a hand-to-mouth struggle to survive.

    BBC: Aleppo's winter of discontent

  • This revealed that people exposed to second-hand smoke were far more likely to have poorer hearing than others, and to a degree where they might struggle to follow a conversation in the presence of background noise.

    BBC: Hearing loss linked to passive smoking

  • In 1996 Ieng Sary, the regime's former Deputy Premier, was the first major cadre to defect to the government--strengthening Hun Sen's hand in his power struggle with then co-Premier Norodom Ranariddh--and was granted an official amnesty in return.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | CAMBODIA: Will Justice Ever be Served?