
go to the bad




  • 变坏
    • ... gone to the bad 自毁 go to the bad 变坏 ; 得病 She says to break the bad boyfriend cycle... 她说想要停止与恶男交往的恶性循环 ...

  • 得病
    • ... gone to the bad 自毁 go to the bad 变坏 ; 得病 She says to break the bad boyfriend cycle... 她说想要停止与恶男交往的恶性循环 ...

  • to go to the bad



  • If I do just one bad thing, do I go to the bad place?


  • I have always thought that: economic richness and affluence is not the greatest success, and social morality ruin, people's hearts go to the bad is the biggest failure.


  • I generally go to the gym or go for a run, especially if I've had a bad day.



  • On the other hand,she says, having to go elsewhere for activities is not necessarily a bad thing.

    VOA : special.2009.11.05

  • If you ever try to go beyond the boundaries of an array, as we'll soon see, bad things happen.


    计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

  • And I don't want to overplay the social importance of this, but go back a couple of years to what was happening in the aftermath of Katrina and realize how bad things get when things fail to be coordinated.


    博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课


  • By comparing DNA from healthy cells with malignant ones, researchers can find genetic differences that might be what led the tumors to go bad in the first place.

    FORBES: A Cancer Patient's Quest Hits DNA Pay Dirt

  • "And McChrystal's request, that we need to actually protect the Afghanis in this situation as opposed to just go after and try to kill bad guys on the other team, is a very different approach than Vietnam and I don't think has received enough attention, " Clemons said.

    CNN: Afghanistan haunted by ghost of Vietnam

  • More than a million tons of wheat in state-run warehouses from previous bumper crops is likely to go bad because the government has failed to distribute it over the past two to three years.

    WSJ: Indian Grain May Rot After Bumper Harvest