
fort up


  • 白手起家


  • He had succeeded, however, in opening up the coastal route from California to Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River.


  • Once self-sufficient, he says, Albazino’s 300-odd Cossack descendants can take over border duties from the federal guards. Next summer even a new fort is going up, exactly like the old.


  • Next summer even a new fort is going up, exactly like the old.



  • As you travel west from Khajuraho and cross the Betwa River, the high walls of the Orchha Fort rise up abruptly.

    BBC: Orchha, a living medieval town

  • They argued that he is a man who cased out military installations, who threatened to light up Fort Dix with gun-fire, and who sought to buy automatic weapons.

    NPR: Judge Refuses Bail for Fort Dix Suspects

  • Mr Burbage is also confident that once production at the firm's mile-long factory in Fort Worth ramps up to 17 aircraft a month, as planned, the more pessimistic unit-cost projections will start to fall.

    ECONOMIST: The defence industry