
engage for



  • 保证
    • ... Eng 英国 engage for 保证 engage in 参加 ...

  • engage for sb's honesty
  • guarantee engage for sth
  • engage go in for



  • I'll engage for John's behaviour should you decide to employ him.


  • I'm sorry. It is more than I can engage for.


  • A gamification strategy that is not sufficiently thought through or well tailored to its players may engage people for a little while, but it will not motivate people in the long term.



  • "That's the wonderful thing about Earth Day is that it really provides a platform, an opportunity for grassroots organizations and community organizations to really focus on what's happening in their neighborhoods and their homes in their communities, in their businesses and to focus on the priority problems and to engage people maybe for the first time in taking environmental action."

    VOA : special.2010.04.21

  • You would also engage in sports together, and you would develop a camaraderie because you were expected then to be the fighting force for your city, your city-state.


    新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

  • The class just seemed to be a platform for Kagan to throw out random ideas " and the students were never required to engage in any thought."


    死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

  • (Speaking) "It's the opportunity for these communities to engage with all the guests that are here experiencing the Olympic Games."

    VOA : standard.2010.02.23

  • (NO TRANSCRIPTS) But what caused grief for many gave others a chance to engage in activities not usually seen in the nation's capital.

    VOA : standard.2010.02.07


  • You may have had to choose which candidate to hire for a job, or which vendor your company would engage for a project.

    FORBES: Why Keeping Your Options Open Is Really, Really Bad Idea

  • After all, under the Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation agreement, Japan's Self-Defense Forces would be allowed to engage for the first time in detailed planning with U.S. forces to meet a range of contingencies, including non-combat support, in the event of conflict in the East Asian region.

    CNN: more stories

  • To engage, for instance, in a radical overhaul of dysfunctional capital markets.

    BBC: Has Western capitalism failed?