英 [dɪsˈɑːθrɪə] 美 [dɪsˈɑːrθrɪə]
n. [耳鼻喉] 构音障碍;构音困难
dysarthria /dɪsˈɑːθrɪə/
名词 imperfect articulation of speech caused by damage to the nervous system 构音障碍
impaired articulatory ability resulting from defects in the peripheral motor nerves or in the speech musculature
②The frequency of cerebellar ataxia, pyramidal bame signs, dysarthria and damages of automatic nervous system are 92.1%, 86.8%, 84.2% and 76.3 % respectively.
2受累系统症状出现频率为小脑共济失调 92 .1% ,锥体束征 86 .8% ,构音障碍 84 .2 % ,自主神经损害 76 .3%。
言语障碍分类: 一、 构音困难 ( Dysarthria ):可由以下诸病所造成:①肌病:如舌、咽喉肌病,重症肌无力等,②下运动神经元病变:如延髓空洞症所致的发音运动神经核受损;③小脑病...
... 发音困难 发音障碍 dysphonia 发音困难 构音不良 dysarthria 慢性咽喉炎性发音困难 dysphoniaclericorum ...
... 听觉系统中的感音、传音以及听觉中枢发生器质性或功能性异常,而导致听力出现不同程度的减退。 3.6 失语 aphasia 运动性构音障碍 dysarthria 器质性构音障碍 organic anarthria ...
dysfunction 功能紊乱;机能障碍;官能不良
dysgenesis 生殖障碍,不孕;发育不全
dysfunction 功能失调;出现机能障碍;垮掉
The type of dysarthria determines the treatment.
Conclusion Manual treatment should be noticed in the training for severe dysarthria patients.
Apraxia of speech and Dysarthria are other speech disorders that may be confused with aphasia.