


  • He completely departed from the text and extemporized in a very energetic fashion.


  • After Solon had departed, a great retribution from God came uponCroesus, probably because he judged himself to be the happiest of allmen.


  • So it’s more of like a Departed format.

    所 以更像是《无间道》的模式。


  • That soon got worse when Steve Stubbings (18) and Dominic Hewson (9) departed but a partnership of 64 for the fifth wicket with Matt Dowman (33) rebuilt the innings.

    BBC: Crusaders rooted to bottom spot

  • Porterfield scored a brisk 44 from 37 balls before his dismissal and while Eoin Morgan (13) departed with the score on 91, a 48-run partnership between Wilson and Niall O'Brien ended any prospect of an Irish defeat.

    BBC: Irish clinch victory over Uganda

  • The broader charge, which was made last weekend in graphic terms by a vengeful Clare Short (the recently departed international development secretary), was one of the most serious it is possible to make: that the prime minister had knowingly led his country to war on a false pretext.

    ECONOMIST: Tony Blair and Iraq