
buy the farm




buy the farm


  • 买下农场
    • ... butterfingers奶油手指(抓不稳东西的人) butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下) buy the farm买下农场(死了) ...

  • 摔毁一架飞机
    • ... defunct死的 buy the farm摔毁一架飞机... exit出口 ...

  • 归道山
    • ... Buddy,where is John? 要上厕所? (在美国中,男厕所有John's room一说.) Buy the farm 归道山,死了 Brown nose 讨好,谄媚 ...

  • 突如其来的不正常死亡
    • buy the farm 买下农场(归道山,死了); 摔毁一架飞机; 突如其来的不正常死亡...



  • A few weeks back I won a $50 gift certificate to a homeschool store, I used part of it to buy The Farm Game for Kids.


  • The other is a loan to provide capital-often to set the farmer up in business by enabling him to buy the farm itself or a mule or tractor, or all three.


  • WILSON VEGA used to run a small farm near Barrancabermeja, in the broad, tropical valley of Colombia's Magdalena river. He was negotiating to buy the farm from its owner.

    Wilson Vega过去在哥伦比亚境内Magdalena河热带山谷的Barrancabermeja开阔地附近经营小型农场,他正在谈判向土地所有人购买农场。


  • Brazil,however, is a major farm exporter and doesn't buy that many agricultural products from the U.S.

    VOA : standard.2010.04.28


  • The CAP began operating in 1962, with the then European Community intervening to buy farm output when the market price fell below an agreed target level.

    BBC: MEPs urge reform of the CAP

  • They made enough money to buy a farm where the young Ali developed an appetite for cricket, reading all he could about Don Bradman and other heroes of the era.

    BBC: Kingmaker: Dr Ali Bacher

  • Elements of performance have been going on at the site for years, but if the trustees manage to buy the 29 acres and derelict farm buildings, they will create a permanent centre combining music, drama, poetry, dance, and exhibitions of local craft, she said.

    BBC: Land where the princes' palace is believed to have stood