bowler hat //
可数名词 A bowler hat is a round, hard, black hat with a narrow brim that is worn by men, especially British businessmen. Bowler hats are no longer very common. (旧时英国商人带的)黑色圆顶硬呢帽
▼ ▼ ▼ 「 圆顶硬礼帽(Bowler Hat)在1850年由英国人爱德华·寇克发明, 维多利亚时代开始普及,毛毡的质地易于清洁,价格又比高顶丝礼帽亲民,因此深受群众们的欢迎。
... habit 小我私人依习气.身份而着的服装 bowler hat 圆顶硬弁冕 apron 围裙 ...
...,可见男士帽已经成为了绅士风度的象征之一。不像女士帽那样式样繁多,男士帽基本是千篇一律,最典型的就是波乐帽(Bowler Hat),戴一顶黑色又新又挺直的波乐帽,能体现出一个英国男子良好的社会地位。男士到朋友家做客,进屋后要首先脱下帽子。
...部份的东西都是古著:剪裁奇特的方形领、螺纹钮扣(完全想起妈妈/外婆年代衣服上会有的扣子)、还有酒红色圆顶礼帽 (Bowler Hat),脚上的墨绿色厚底鞋也是造型中的惊喜。
He looked immaculate in his suit and bowler hat.
Near the mirror stood a wig stand with an old black bowler hat on it.
Which film star appeared in a bowler hat and baggy trousers, and carried a cane?
Milner says he loves to perform his comic songs, wearing a 19th century bowler hat and cape,personifying Darwin.
VOA : standard.2009.11.25
Other pieces are poignant in their fragility, including a hand-cut crystal dish and a brown bowler hat.
"I can't wait to see them all again, " says Minnelli, 66, who won an Academy Award playing Sally Bowles, the fishnet-and-bowler hat wearing chanteuse.
The top of the pen, which always features the Montblanc star logo, is in the shape of the small bowler hat that was synonymous with the character.