
be taken ill

美 [bi ˈteɪkən ɪl]



  • 生病
    • ... be known as 以...身份知名,是众所周知的... be taken ill 生病 catch hold of 抓住某物或某人 ...

  • 病倒了
    • ... be taken ill 病倒了,生病了 take a chance 碰碰运气,冒……风险 take a deep/ long breath 深吸一口气(以鼓起勇气或仔细考虑) ...

  • 染疾
    • ... be ill off 贫困; 不幸, 运气不佳 be taken ill 生病, 染疾 be fall ill 生病, 染疾 ...



  • He is being treated quite well but we don't know when he can come home because they don't know if anyone else will be taken ill over there.


  • It is easy to be taken ill in summer, especially for the fearful high temperature, so you should specially take care your health. wish you always in good condition!


  • If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call..



  • If you are ill and samples have to be taken as to what has made you ill, then that is going to be taken out of your hands because the prosecution may come from the Food Standards Agency - it may come from the local authority.

    BBC: Former Health Minister Edwina Currie quizzed

  • Four people had to be treated at London Bridge Station after being taken ill in what was initially feared to be a chemical incident.

    BBC: London Bridge station chemical fear after four fall ill

  • The tweed coat had been green when my father bought it for me in London that spring, but the nice old landlady at the little Scottish inn where we were staying when he was taken ill had firmly sent it out to be dyed the day before the funeral.

    NPR: Excerpt: The Sherwood Ring