美 [ˈwelɪŋtən buːt]
(19th century) a man's high tasseled boot
同义词: Hessian boot / hessian / jackboot / Wellington
下一篇: 纺织皮革服装服饰行业专业术语:皮革(Leather) 上一篇: 服装服饰行业专业术语:防水长统靴(wellington boot)
...漠靴 英国的经典风格离不开皇家颁证认可、阴雨天气和日不落帝国的辉煌战绩。打败拿破仑时出现的惠灵顿雨靴(Wellington Boot),“二战”期间打败隆美尔出现的沙漠靴(Desert Boot),人们始终对战争英雄怀有敬仰之情,美国战将巴顿将军宣称:“只有穿上军靴...
... 高筒靴 High leg boots 长筒雨靴 Wellington boots 沼泽靴 Jungle boots ...
《我的100件时尚单品》之惠灵顿长筒靴(Wellington Boot)
This means they can be bashed against a wellington boot without breaking, which shows that they will be easy to harvest, clean and polish.
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The "Wellie" boot was created in 1817 when the Duke of Wellington asked his shoemaker to create a boot he could wear in battle and with evening clothes.