
Robert Adam

n. 罗伯特·亚当


  • 罗伯特·亚当
    • ...说明 此件边案或制作于伦敦,整体呈现18世纪建筑设计泰斗罗伯特·亚当Robert Adam)的设计风格。桌面选取意大利卡拉拉大理石为材,通体木鎏金。

  • 亚当
    • 亚当 adam bede; adam maxwell; adam opel; adam sandler; adam scott; adao; frederic adam; robert adam 巴雷德策 baredetse ..

  • 建筑家
    • ... Robert Adam建筑家 Elizabeth Blackadder,艺术家 Thomas Brown,哲学家 ...

  • New Classicists Robert Adam
    新古典主义大师 | 新古典主义者 | 新古典建筑
  • Robert Adam and his Circle
  • Adam Robert Worton
  • Robert t Adam
  • Robert E Adam


  • Robert Adam Architects has an international reputation for classical and traditional architecture and design informed by the latest technology.


  • This interview with Robert W. Selander, chief executive of MasterCard, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.

    这是对万事达卡(MasterCard)首席执行官罗伯特·W·塞兰德(Robert W. Selander)的访谈实录,由亚当·布莱恩特(Adam Bryant)采访整理。

  • British actor Robert Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the film series, lost the worst actor prize to Adam Sandler in That's My Boy.



  • Aged just 18, he commissioned the leading architect at the time Robert Adam to design a house.

    BBC: Sir Watkin Williams

  • Whereas Jezebel redacted the identities of Karen Owen and the athletes in her comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (unlike Gawker brother blog Deadspin), North is unsparing in her treatment of Princeton alumni Robert Huber, Adam Wible, and Ian McHenry the first is a Foreign Service Officer stationed abroad and the latter two are on a yacht trip around the world.

    FORBES: Princeton Sex List Posted by Jezebel Makes Karen Owen Look Saintly

  • This obscene, ridiculous, and occasionally very funny movie, written by Judd Apatow, Adam Sandler, and Robert Smigel and directed by Dennis Dugan, is about a fabulous Israeli counterterrorism agent (Sandler) who has a bulging crotch and deadly hands (he karate-chops Palestinian machine guns into carrot sticks).

    NEWYORKER: You Don't Mess With the Zohan