到了1986年该公司已有约25,500名的员工,并在全球44个国家设有据点,净现金流量每年达45亿德国马克(German mark),同年Nixdorf在第一届CeBIT国际电脑展期间于汉诺威市过世。
By January 1995, prices had increased a quadrillion percent in two years, and as a result the German Mark became the country’s Fiat currency.
Green tents at the bottom of Pheasant Wood mark the position of eight pits dug hurriedly behind the German lines in 1916.
As Mark Twain observed, a German joke is no laughing matter.
Therefore, the German mark is extremely undervalued by virtue of being combined with many other currencies of much weaker economies.
In 1960 the German mark had a fixed exchange rate with the US dollar which, in turn, was officially fixed to gold.
The German mark and the German Central Bank, the Bundesbank, ruled the roost during those times, with the Swiss not too far behind.