
Edward Teller



  • 爱德华·泰勒
    • ... 汤川秀树(Yukawa Hideki) 爱德华·泰勒Edward Teller) 小约瑟夫·H·泰勒(Joseph H.Haylor) ...

  • 爱德华泰勒
    • ... 汤川秀树(Yukawa Hideki) 爱德华泰勒Edward Teller) 小约瑟夫H泰勒(Joseph H.Haylor) ...


  • In 1958 Edward Teller, a creator of the hydrogen bomb, suggested using nuclear explosions to dig a harbor near Cape Thompson, Alaska.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The most significant work was done by Eugene Wigner (who came from Hungary), George Gamow (Russia), Felix Bloch (Switzerland), Hans Bethe (Germany), Edward Teller (Hungary), and Victor Weisskopf (Austria).

    FORBES: A Veterans Day Story: Immigrants and the Atomic Bomb

  • Edward Teller felt some sympathy for the politicians who had to decide whether to proceed with these fearsome weapons with no more than the vaguest idea how they worked.

    ECONOMIST: Edward Teller