
Duncan Grant


Duncan Grant

  • abstract:
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  • 艺术学


  • Back in England, he went to stay with his friend, the painter Duncan Grant.

    回到英格兰后,他与他的朋友-画家Duncan Grant住在一起。

  • I have a Mr Duncan here - to see Mr Grant.



  • She enjoyed an acquaintance with Duncan Grant, and a painting he gave her was one of two that she was having put up in her room when she died.

    ECONOMIST: Financial journalism loses one of its greats

  • Pan holwyd Grant Duncan, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr y Gyfarwyddiaeth Feddygol, pam fod y mesur yn cymryd mwy o amser nag arfer i brosesu, dywedodd ef eu bod nhw'n ofalus gan fod "rhoi organau yn achub bywydau" a "rydym ni eisiau bod yn drylwyr".

    BBC: Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

  • When questioned by the committee over why the formation of the bill was taking longer than usual, the Medical Directorate's Deputy Director, Grant Duncan said that they were taking their time because "organ donation saves lives" and "we want to get it right".

    BBC: Health and Social Care Committee