British general and statesman; he defeated Napoleon at Waterloo; subsequently served as Prime Minister (1769-1852)
同义词: Wellington / First Duke of Wellington / Arthur Wellesley / Iron Duke
威灵顿公爵(Duke of Wellington)是联合王国贵族头衔,于1814年封与阿瑟·韦尔斯利将军。
西方人有他们自己的典故:1815年,叱咤风云的拿破仑在Waterloo(滑铁卢)被惠灵顿公爵(Duke of Wellington)指挥的英、葡联军打得大败,结果被放逐到小岛上。Waterloo成了他的伤心之地。
1814年的春天,在威灵顿将军(Duke of Wellington)率军攻克..
被誉为铁公爵 - 威灵顿(Duke of Wellington)的传人。[按:我无法确定Wellington公爵和五角大楼旁边那块地皮有没有关系。
Diarmuid: Lord Nelson; the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill.
Diarmuid: Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill.
The Duke of Wellington, British soldier of distinction, statesman, was born at Dublin.
He used a quote from Berkshire's Duke of Wellington in a fringe on Monday.
BBC: Ashdown says Lib Dems should 'take pounding and stand firm'
In the same period, a single retired general became British prime minister: the Duke of Wellington.
Other notable inductees include Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, Winston Churchill and Nelson Mandela.